Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Hard at Work ...

I've been hard at work in my studio recently getting a whole bunch of projects completed. Here's the evidence :

This is my stack of quilts that are ready to be quilted. Can you tell that my favorite color is RED?? ha! My "Spice is Nice" quilt is on the bottom, along with the back for it which is pieced in stripes of red and beige (you can't see it from this picture ... I'm hoping it will turn out well once it is quilted). My "Bless Us All" wall hanging is on top. (I finished my mom's wall hanging in this same design last year and it ended up winning a blue ribbon at the Quilt Show!) Finally, there are the backs to a couple of wall hangings that I have completed. I can't show the tops to them, because it would give away a major Christmas gift, and I don't want to spoil the surprise!

I have all of these quilts set aside in a pile because we're going for a sewing trip the cabin next weekend ... I'm going to drop two of these to be quilted professionally on our way through Columbia, and I'll finish the other two (hopefully) while I'm in the mountains. yay! I love crossing things off my list. More pictures once they're all quilted and done!

And, this is the stack of baby gifts ready to send out to friends of mine who have had babies recently. There must be something in the water, because my baby gift list never seems to get any smaller, no matter how much progress I feel like I'm making!

I do feel like I'm getting some things accomplished ... trying to reduce my "to do" list so that I can focus on some new stuff ...


Eowyn's Heir said...

I think I'm going to start calling you "Tabitha" :)

Sara said...

ha! i'll take that as a compliment ... especially since you didn't use her other name, Dorcas. that's the funniest name I think.

Amy said...

I can't wait to get Calvin's item!! I am so excited!!! :) :) :)

Thank you for adding us to your "Baby List". I love your work.... ! Love you, Friend! - Amy

Amanda said...

Ok, so I JUST NOW got the memo that you even had a blog... how did I not know that? So I just spend the last little while reading all the way back to the beginning, and I have to say, and Gavin will attest, that I was laughing so hard at the shrinking sweater picture that I was crying, and it took me a couple minutes to get the words out to tell Gavin about it. So that gave me the chuckles, and they just didn't stop, especially as I read back farther about your money software asking you to set up a recurring payment to Starbucks. Ok, taking a breather... SO much fun to read, have you in my RSS reader now so I won't miss any more! Miss you friend! (and glad you didn't blog about my 'experience' in your front yard late at night waiting for you to get home :)

Sara said...

Amy ... i am a little slow in getting cal's giftie in the mail. i'm hoping to get it out before i go to the cabin thursday.

Sara said...

amanda! that is the funniest comment ever. i laughed out loud thinking about you laughing at my little blog adventures. :o) i forgot about your adventure in my front yard until just now ... maybe that WOULD make a funny blog post. :o))) hope you're doing well ... LOVE reading YOUR blog!