Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Whatever will be ... will be.

OK ... so I'm light-years behind most people my age, and have *just* now created a blog. Welcome to the 21st century, right? I think it's because I've always been afraid of blogs ... I've never been good with words. (Yes, I admit, I was a bit of a nerd in school ... always looking forward to math class and dreading english and history. I needed to know that there was always a concrete answer ... not just some subjective view of what was right or wrong) But, as I've gotten older, my creative genes have shown themselves more often, and I think I'm ready to face the "scary" blog world. My blog can be what I make it, right? So, here we go ...


Unknown said...

Welcome to the world of blogging! you're gonna love it!

jaysar11 said...

Welcome to the world of blogging! Thanks for writing on my wall. I'm looking forward to catching up with your life through facebook and now here...I'll add your blog to my list of those that I check regularly. If you're interested, mine is www.xanga.com/sladner

Unknown said...

Sweet... wise words from Sara- this is gonna be good!

Sara said...

yay! this is fun already!

Amy said...

Good Job, Sara! I am impressed!! :)

Sara said...

yay! thanks amy! i have no idea what i'm doing ...

Amy said...

This from the girl that majored in computer science... lol.